It’s been a long year of being blessed with so many wonderful experiences and opportunities on Ruuji’s journey. We are so thankful for everything so far and we’ve got something in store for you! We’ve decided that this Christmas, we’re channeling the spirit of the season of giving in partnership with Suri Lifestyle to give back to our local community!
Launch of our Season of Gifting Campaign
With that in mind, we’ve launched our Ruuji x Suri Season of Gifting Campaign! Here’s how it works: Every time Ruuji makes a sale during the entire month of December, we will be donating a Sports Bras to the Suri Lifestyle - a non-profit organization that aims to aid impoverished families and students. SURI is a social enterprise dedicated to educating and empowering B40/single mothers, fostering entrepreneurship and income generation through creative and innovative skills. The organization aims to provide comprehensive knowledge and skills to enhance single mothers’ independence and self-reliance, ultimately improving their lives. The vision is to eliminate hardship and poverty for single mothers and their children by shifting from charity to an income-based approach through employment support programs, fostering growth and personal development for single mothers regardless of race, religion, or descent - and so do we!
Our Philosophy
Here at Ruuji, we believe in building an all-inclusive community that can support each other regardless of their differences. Over this last year, we have organized events and activities so that more Mums from all walks of life can come together and unite to build bonds that will last a lifetime. We are so grateful for all of the opportunities that have come our way that have enabled us to build this community of ours and we would love to do our part in giving back to the community that has made it all possible for us. We hope that our partnership with Suri Lifestyle will help extend the same love and inclusivity to women in need of a little extra support!
So if you’re looking for some clothing to gift to your loved ones or even yourself this holiday season, why not give back while you’re at it? Shop now at our website to put a smile on someone’s face this season and don’t forget to check out the Suri Lifestyle and all the amazing work they have done as well.
Happy shopping!